F Air or Ivory - SHDCVLT

Air or Ivory

Houston based group Air Or Ivory released their debut single "Burn The Rest" from the up and coming debut Ep. Made up of 4 former members of We Die As Heroes, 1 from Caliber Of A Killing and 1 more from Sea Of Wolves,  leaves no surprise their first effort as a collective turned out sounding as good as it does. Don't sleep on these guys they'll be playing all over Texas and beyond before you know it!

Check these guys out  live in Houston at Mango's on December 30!!

Go like their Facebook page and Go to their Bandcamp to listen/download Burn The Rest!!



Unknown said...

I couldn't agree with you more. The guitarist Lindsey Minter is like my brother. They've all worked super hard to get where they are now, and there is no limit to where these guys will end up. Whether it be playing beside numerous metal giants in front of enormous masses of people, or going down in the history books as the greatest metal band alive. Metal is what these guys are. Through and through. To the end. Expect more of the most brutal metal to ever come out of Texas because these guys are not only the future of metal but metal gods if you will

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