F SHDCVLT Interviews Dusty Boles of Via Vanity - SHDCVLT

SHDCVLT Interviews Dusty Boles of Via Vanity

Thanks for taking some time to be interviewed by us. Would you like to start by introducing yourself to our readers?

-Hey, no sweat man. My name is Dusty and I play guitar for Via Vanity.

Right off the bat, i have to ask the one question everybody is talking about. What happened with Oceans Red?

- Unfortunately Serj is going through some very serious health issues at the moment that are preventing him from giving the band his full attention. So myself and nick decided to move on from Oceans. We are absolutely still on great terms with the dudes from Oceans. In fact, I love those dudes like brothers. We've been through so much together. So it was hard coming to terms with the fact that I needed to move on. But in the end it was in my best interest entirely.

You have been working hard on your new band Via Vanity. I heard a clip from “Dangerous” on the Vanity promo on Youtube. Its sounding amazing, i’m very stoked! At the end of the video is says music coming in Feb! What should be expect?

-Thank you very much! Yes me and the guys have been working super hard on writing and recording, so it's been quite the process! You can expect a lot of hands on footage coming in the next two months. A full band greeting obviously, some new music, and maybe even a music video ;)

You have been in a lot of epic bands like Her Demise My Rise, Rose Funeral, Make Me Famous and more. Aside from the genre, what is going to set Via Vanity apart from your past bands? It seems to have a more personal vibe for you.

-Thanks man. And actually Vanity means so much more to me simply because of the timing, the way it fell together, and obviously the members. Me and mike (vocals) have been close friends for years. He was actually our Merch guy throughout Make Me Famous, so we are very close. And of course me and nick come from Oceans together so we have history. And Bryce and Alex are great musicians that I have known for sometime, so picking these dudes up for the ride was a no brainier. The overall vibe of vanity is unlike anything I've ever done before. The amount of emotion we pour into our writing is a new thing for me. My past bands have always been about what's "popular" in a sense. This time around it's not about that. It's simply about creating good music. No more competition, no more "trends" I'm over that. I feel like I've musically "found" myself with Vanity!

Thats great to hear! What message does Via Vanity deliver to the masses?

-Over all just finding "happiness" in everyday life. I've done a lot for my age and have been extremely blessed to travel the world and play music in front of awesome fans. But essentially I was not happy internally. With a lot of things. But most importantly, musically I was not happy. I've found a sense of peace now with the music me and Bryce are writing for vanity. So this time around it will make sense for not only me but I speak for everyone in the band on that.

Are there any organizations or individuals that play an important role in getting you to where you are now?

-Absolutely. My brother is my main inspiration. He keeps me motivated and keeps me going. If it was not for him I wouldn't even be a musician. And of course the industry that has always backed me.

Out of all the bands you have shared the stage with on tour. Who was the most fun to work with?

-That's a toughie. I love the dudes in I See Stars, and I love the guys in a Sky Lit Drive, Memphis, and Crown The Empire. I still keep in touch with a lot of these guys because they are such great people and such good musicians.

Do you still have a dream tour? Are there any bands or lineups you really want to see Via Vanity tour with?

-Of course i’d love to tour with Marilyn Manson or someone huge like that. It'd be a lot of fun haha.

As we wrap this up. Thanks for your time! Stoked on great things to come for Via Vanity! Is there anything else you would like our reader to know?

-check out our stuff! Music coming soon!

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