F SHDCVLT Interviews Jake Wayman of Avarice - SHDCVLT

SHDCVLT Interviews Jake Wayman of Avarice

Thanks for taking some time to be interviewed by us. Would you like to introduce your self and the rest of the band for our readers?
"Hey! this is Jake Wayman I sing for Avarice. I am here with my band mates Steven Kyle (guitar) Devin D etar (bass) Jake Rabin (drums)."
You guys are a new band here in Austin Tx. Where you guys in other bands worth mentioning before Avarice came together? 

"Yes we are Austin Texas based. We just released a demo back in December but have been writing music together for quite some time now. Would rather not mention our past projects to be honest haha."

Are there any individuals or organizations that played an important role in helping you guys get to where you are now?
"Yes! We are currently working with some amazing management but I cannot divulge who just yet. "

I understand that you guys have a single coming out next month. What can we expect?
"We recorded our single with local producer Corey Brunnemann a good while back. Corey did an awesome job on the track. We have been dying to put it out! Expect something 100 times heavier and better written then the demo we released."

Any plans on dropping an album or ep in the year of 2014? 

"We all spend just about every night writing & recording music in our home studio for preproduction. We are planning on recording an ep or full length later this year. It is definitely going to be hard choosing which songs record though. We have so much written and it's all coming out so sick."
What are your main influence musically? What about your band mates?
"Vocally I'm influenced by a lot of death metal acts such as Behemoth & The Black Dahlia Murder. As far as the band we draw influence from lots of different artists. We try and stay open minded. Two bands we like in particular are Legend & Emmure."

Do you have any vocal exercises that you do before a vocal session?  

"I work at my vocals everyday so that I am constantly improving and not hitting a platue of ohh well I guess this Is all I can do. I can honestly say I am ten times better now then what you will hear on the single haha The other guys practice a lot as well. Devin is insane about playing bass. He is one of most passionate musicians I've ever played along side with. All these guys are actually. Everyone is so committed to this band!"

What is your dream tour? 

"Slipknot, Korn, Behemoth, Black Dahlia Murder, Emmure, Thy art is murder, the plot in you And aversions crown would be a dope tour!"

You guys seem quite determined. Excited to see Avarice take off for you. Is there anything else you would like our readers to know as we wrap this up?

"Check out our demo at facebook.com/avariceatx and be on the look out for music and shows this year! Thanks for the interview! !"



Jonathan said...

His vocals Suck.

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