F SHDCVLT Interviews Clifford Wagle Of DEMOLISHER - SHDCVLT

SHDCVLT Interviews Clifford Wagle Of DEMOLISHER

Demolisher is an Epic Hardcore / Metal band from Chicago, IL. They just wrapped up their "The Breaking Point Tour" and i wanted to get an interview in before years end. So i contacted Demolisher Guitarist Clifford Wagle for a little information on what his band will be up to in the new year.

Thanks for taking some time for an interview. Would you like to introduce your self our readers?

-My name is Cliff and I play guitar in Demolisher.

When did the band start?

-The band was started back in 2008.

Were you guys in other bands before Demolisher that are worth mentioning?

-Our vocalist Adam is still in Oceano along with being Demolisher's full time vocalist.
Pedro and I used to be in the band Of Glaciers.
Ducky was in a band called We the Surreal.
And Maudi was in a band with his brother back when they still lived in Florida.

What does your guitar rig look like? What kind of amp, guitar, pedals are you working with?

-Currently I am running a Peavey 5150 through an Orange 4x12. The only pedals I use right now are my Boss Noise Gate, my Boss tuner and a Sonic Stomp Box. My tone comes straight from my head though which I love. The combination of the 5150 with the Orange cab is exactly what I like. The guitar I use is a LTD MH-417.

Is this your dream rig. If not what is?

-Honestly, this probably is my dream rig. I'll add a few more pedals to complete it but overall, I'm extremely happy with the sound I get from my rig.

You guys just wrapped up The Breaking Point Tour. How was it?

-The tour was awesome. It's always a great experience being able to spend time with your best friends. It's also cool seeing how different the scenes vary from state to state. A lot of differences from the scene we have here in Chicago.

What was the most exciting part of the tour for you?

-The most exciting part for me was hanging out with my friends, meeting tons of cool new people and being able to perform in front of people every night of the week.

What is your dream tour? What bands do you want to see Demolisher on tour with one day?

-Although it would never happen, I would personally love to tour with Limp Bizkit haha! They have just been my favorite band since I was a kid. Wes was the main reason I started playing guitar so it would be amazing to tour with them. 

Are there any individuals or organizations that played an important role in helping you guys get to where you are now?

-Honestly, the fans that have stuck with the band from the beginning and even all the new fans are the reason the band can continue. As cliche as it sounds, the band would be nothing without them.

Are you guys planning on releasing an Ep or Record in 2014?

-We originally had plans to record an EP but decided that a full length album is what we will put out. It's roughly half way done and we should be finishing the writing process by the end of January or February. Keep an eye out for more details on that though.

Any plans on Signing to a label? Any prospects?

-I can't really get into that right now but I will say that we have an offer that we are strongly considering. That's pretty much all I can so for that at this point.

What is the most fulfilling part of being a musician in a touring band?

-The most fulfilling part for me is being able to play music for people that enjoy it. I was always told by my family that music would take me nowhere and I shouldn't take it seriously so being able to actually do this is kinda like a big "fuck you" to them. It puts a smile on my face when I think about that.

Is there anything else you want our readers to know before we wrap this up?

-We just want to thank everyone who has supported the band at any point in time. Even if they checked us out and didn't like us, we still want to thank you for giving us a chance. A special thanks to the fans that have supported the band since the very beginning.
Like I said, the new full length is currently being written so please keep your eyes and ears open for that and expect something fresh from Demolisher. 2014 will be a fun year!



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