F SHDCVLT Interviews Guuru Sagod - SHDCVLT

SHDCVLT Interviews Guuru Sagod


Thanks for giving us some of your time for this interview. We appreciate it. Lets dive right in. You used to go by the name Will Apollo. What inspired the name change? Is it more than just the name that has changed?    

The name change came out of a necessity, I felt like i was growing up and so was the music.
It got to the point where I couldn't even recognize myself as the artist I used to be so I changed my name. The music it's self has changed dramatically, I've learned a lot in the past two years, and it transferred into the music. 

Your a very seasoned musician. It seems like you're coming out of nowhere. But you sound like you have been in the game all your life. Where did the music begin for you?

I started rapping literally on my 8th birthday. My older brother Dboi 
He's dope too and I would watch him freestyle like all day. Eventually I just picked it up and took it my own direction.

Recently we noticed you have been getting some hate from local artists. Clearly you are doing something right if they feel that threatened by your presence. But do things like this take a toll on how you feel?

Na, not at all. My team has been telling me that it's going to happen. 
Especially in a city like SA, where everyone thinks they're a rapper. Then you have this new kid who moves here from NY, winning every comp, gets on MTV, and has the last name Sagod. I'd be mad too.

Do you have other passions as well? What is The End Of Space?

Yes, Directing Films, Jewelry, and producing are all my passions along with music. The end of space is a short film/ instrumental album. That I'm working on. All experimental music; genreless. The film is going to be my perspective of what would happen if music was personified, and ending up dying.

In February you were #1 on the MTVU music polls. Taking the lead against The Belle Brigade for artists of the week. From the outside looking in, it pretty much foreshadows where you are headed in life. I was pretty stoked to see your video “In Music We Trust” on mtvu.com  What does this mean for your career? How did you feel when you learned you got 1st place in the polls?

That entire contest was a blessing, I honestly didn't think I had a chance. 
I was going against genres that get alot
Some of the other artist have certified twitters with a ton of followers and I'm just a local artist with barely any buzz... Some how I managed to pull a win. I look at it as a stepping stone but I know there's bigger things ahead of me. 

We know you were at The Eastern, and The Mohawk for The House Of Vans this year at SXSW. Tell us about your experience? Did you play other venues as well?

This was my first SXSW ever and I actually had three showcases.
House of vans, the eastern, and this frat house for first caste records 
That was probably the most memorable show. Nothing like a house show man, especially during SXSW.

What artists do you want to see your self on tour with one day? What would be your dream tour?

I would love to tour with Kanye, Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott, ASAP Ferg, Tyler The Creator, there's of people on the cool. 

Your lyrics are righteous, but your tunes have an esoteric sound as if there is something sinister to it. Is there anything that inspired that? It gives you that alternative vibe, like The Underachievers or Flatbush Zombies.

I'm not sure it could be just a up north thing but I've always appreciated dark sounding music 
Minor notes, down scale music The melodies connect with me more.
As far as lyrics I just give the world me all of me.

As we wrap this up. Do you have a personal message for our readers? Anything you want them to know or take home with them?

I appreciate the faith and support you all give me. I promise to bring the real forever. Album in the works stay tuned. 

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Interview By: Brett Deadly



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