F SHDCVLT Interviews Sam Branaccio of Petriphoria - SHDCVLT

SHDCVLT Interviews Sam Branaccio of Petriphoria

Thanks for taking some time to be interviewed by us. Would you like to introduce your self and the rest of the band to our readers?
Pleased to be featured on your site man! First of all my name is Sam Brancaccio and I sing for a band called Petriphoria, joining me is Jake “The Dog” Fish on guitar, Stevie “beanz” Zycha-Estrada on bass, and last but not least Chris “The Metal Hobbit” Cochrane on drums.

You guys used to be called Descend To Ashes. Is Petriforia the same band?
We’re still all the same dudes, minus our falling out with our previous vocalist(s).

How long have you guys been playing together? How did the band form?

Shit man, too long! Haha. Long story short, Stevie and Myself started jamming in middle school with the aspirations to form a full band. A few years later we teamed up with Chris, and finally with the addition of Jacob in 2010 has formed the group it is today.

Why the switch to Vocals from guitar? Your a solid vocalist as well!

Haha thanks! The answer is simple really, I wanted to finally hear our music with vocals.  You could almost write a novel on how long I’ve been waiting for a compatible vocalist with this band, Some-thing just snapped in me one day, and I decided to take the plunge! 

Your band just release a music video. Tell me about it. Its quite humorous. 

Yeah it’s a pretty goofy little video, We basically just did some shots in my backyard, neighborhood, and a few shots downtown.  I think it came out pretty well. I was talking with Nick Garza from The Day After Roswell (insane band btw) about our video, and he said something along the lines of “ It doesn’t really feel like a music video at all, but that’s the point, its just you guys being yourselves” which I think is a very accurate description of it. 

What would be your dream tour be? What bands would you like to see Petriphoria on tour with?
Lamb of God would be insane. I mean like seriously  ‘nuff said.

Any plans to go on tour anytime soon?

Probably not, I think were going to work on playing some shows around Texas for the time being. 

Your new release, The Collective Mind is pretty impressive!! How long have you gus been working on it? 

Thanks again man, Im very happy with the way it came out, in fact I just ordered 100 jewel case cd’s of our album. This album took about 4 years on and off to write, I first demoed the riffs for “liberation” back when I was a freshman in High school in 2010. 

What individuals played the most important roles in getting you to where you are now? Is there anybody you would like to show appreciation for? 

We give Tony Esparza from Fire From the Gods a shout out every 3 seconds, but seriously, He helped make “The Collective Mind” what it is. 

As we wrap this up. Is there anything else you would like our readers to know? 

We are actually looking for a front man to take my place so I can resume playing guitar. We plan to make a more formal post on our page later on about it, But for the time being, if dig our music, and kick ass at vocals , send us a cover of one of our songs, Preferably a song like “clover voice” with more vocal range, so we can hopefully choose someone to work with on our future material! 

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