F SHDCVLT interviews Sirens & Sailors - SHDCVLT

SHDCVLT interviews Sirens & Sailors

Recently I went to The Door Club in Deep Ellum to catch these guys with Fit for a King, Kublai Khan and some pretty impressive local acts that will be featured on this site very shortly. I am normally the type of guy who chills and gets pumped for the bigger acts then gets active in the pit but that show was too good to hold back so needless to say I was sore for a week. I got to talking at the merch booth with Kyle and Jimm and after that we went on our merry ways. A few days later I got a message on facebook asking if I want to be a columnist for the site and I said sure and the first interview I wanted to do was with these guys here. Well here's a little insight into the minds of S&S, hope you enjoy the debut.

Thanks for taking some time out for doing this interview for us guys. Would you like to introduce yourselves to the readers? Hey Everyone! We are Sirens & Sailors a 5 piece metal band from Rochester, NY consisting of Kyle Bihrle (Vocals), Doug Court (Drums), Todd Golder (Guitar/Vocals), Steven Goupil (Bass/Vocals), and Jimm Lindsley (Guitar).

How did you guys come up with the name Sirens & Sailors? It seems very fitting to your sound, it's insanely good and really addictive. Our name is derived from greek mythology. The story of the sailors crashing into shore to their ultimate demise, deceived by the sirens is the ultimate story of deception. In life we are often lead to believe things are what they really aren't, so we feel our name and its meaning are very relatable to all listeners. What were your influences in the earlier writing stage compared to now that you guys have such a strong and solid fan base?  
Our influences ranged from all over the metal/hardcore/rock spectrum. The first song a few of us ever jammed together was 94 Hours by As I Lay Dying. We also grew up living only 45 minutes away from Buffalo, NY, where we would often drive up to see Every Time I Die hometown shows. Those shows were a big reason as to why some of us wanted to pursue a path in music. From then on we grew into our own mold of metal, or "metal-core" as some may call it.
Did you guys see this level of success coming when you first started? You guys cranked out EP after EP and a lot of it sounded amazing compared to a lot of more successful bands early writing.
There was no way of knowing that our music would catch on with people, and no way of knowing that we would be touring the world when we first started. Sure, it was a dream and a goal for us, but we started playing music because it is what we love to do, and it still is to this day. The fact that people pick up merch, listen to our CD's, and come out to shows is just mind blowing. We are extremely grateful and humbled by all of the support we have gained over the past few years. The work never ends, no matter how popular you get, you will always be busting your ass to reach new goals, but the fun never ends either.
  You guys never stay still for long, any tours that you guys are anticipating and can we expect any new singles or EPs coming in the near future?  
We have two amazing tours waiting to be announced. All we can say is that our friends overseas and friends back in the U.S.A. will be very excited! In between tours we are taking the time to write a new album to be recorded later this year.  
So now for the question on everyone's mind, in your expert opinion, who shot first; Greedo or Han?  
This is an age old question that we don't have the answer to. Many believe Han shot first, but that may all just be hear say. It's about time George Lucas reveals the answer to everyone, so this quarreling can end!  
Any views on J.J. Abrahms directing episode 7?  
We are very excited to see what J.J. Abrams does with the new Star Wars movie. It seems he is doing his best to remain loyal to the original 3 movies. You can't go wrong building a to scale Millenium Falcon either! Can't wait to see the final product!  
Who do you guys suspect is the biggest nerd in S&S?  
We are all nerds about different things. So technically we are a group of nerds (*pushes up thick rimmed glasses*).  
What was your favorite and least favorite moment on tour? I'm sure you guys have seen some shit.  
Our favorites moments are traveling, seeing the world, exploring, eating new foods, and playing music. There is nothing like experiencing these things with your best friends, we are having the time of our lives. Even the not so fun parts of tour, like being stranded on the side of the road because we have a flat tire, or because our van just decides it doesn't want to drive anymore, even those unfortunate moments somehow become some of our greatest memories. Touring is all about making the best of what you have, and finding ways to entertain yourself. We do a pretty good job at that.  
I was really drawn in on "Straightjacket" and "Skeletons", you must really have or had some animosity towards some individual.  
Well, "Straightjacket" is more about personal conflict/internal conflict. Like living in your own hell. It's about the negative thoughts that just won't leave you alone day in and day out. So that is pretty horrific in itself. "Skeletons" on the other hand is more so directed towards an individual who has wronged you. That lyrics of that song kind of paints the picture for you, almost like a witch burning at the stake. Go back and listen to that song now, and think about that scenario.  
Fuck, Marry, Kill. Oprah, Hillary Clinton and Sarah Jessica Parker. GO!  
Oh man, we do not wish death upon anyone, but if we have to...Fuck Sarah Jessica Parker, Marry Oprah, and Kill Hillary Clinton. We aren't bad guys, we swear! Go check these guys out! Sirens and Sailors Facebook
S&S Youtube



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