F SHDCVLT goes to a video shoot for "Molotov" - SHDCVLT

SHDCVLT goes to a video shoot for "Molotov"

      Recently For Today announced that they will be filming a video in Houston, TX. All that was said on the flier is that you must need a mask, glasses or bandana. There was very little information posted and if I would have know what it was for I would have taken a baseball bat or some type of weapon to the shoot. If you haven't listened to Molotov I will give you a quick run down. It's a song about ending the rule of people, organizations and (blatantly) the system. It's about starting a revolution and ending fascism and oppression of people who can't help themselves so needless to say, there were riot scenes.

For today is from Sioux City, Iowa and are pretty well known in the music scene. Mattie Montgomery is also well known for his ministry. The band has been together for years and have quite a record for touring and have released 5 albums and 2 EPs. The line up includes Ryan Leitru on lead guitar,  Brandon Leitru on bass, Mattie Montgomery on Vocals, Sam Penner on rhythm and David Pucket on drums.

       The day was initially meant to start at 9 but they decided 11:30 would be better due to the bands traveling schedule. At first there were maybe 12 people that showed but as the time drew closer about 120-160 people showed up. The first scene of the day was the initial riot scene. The entire shoot was high energy and 96 degree Texas weather can drain it out of you quickly. 

       Later on the director chose a select few to make solo appearances for the video for some filler shots. The shoot lasted for about 6 hours or so and it was worth the 2 hour drive filled with car moshing and air drums. The band showed up around 12 and was well met with everyone crowding Mattie Montgomery so he did what any other fun loving musician would do, take a giant group selfie. 

       The second riot scene, everyone was directed to move aggressively but not crowding Mattie. There was tons of fists and elbows being thrown and a few faces were busted up by the end of it. (You may see me throwing people around as well.) 

        The biggest shot of the day was a riot scene around a police car and that was the probably the funnest scene to shoot. Our initial direction was to riot around the police car and so we did.

      We did this shot quite a few times but my favorite part is what the crowd of people did next. Rioting wasn't enough so instead, we made a giant circle pit around the band.

       This was one of the funnest shoots I have been on and I definitely enjoyed my time. It was worth the exhaustion and sun burn. I am really excited to see the final product.




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