F SHDCVLT Interviews Joseph James from Triumph Over Shipwreck - SHDCVLT

SHDCVLT Interviews Joseph James from Triumph Over Shipwreck

SHDCVLT: Thanks for taking some time to talk to us. Would you like to introduce
Yourself and the rest of the band for our readers?

Joseph James: I'm Jay, I play drums for Triumph Over Shipwreck. Miguel on Bass, Larry on vocals, and Eric on Guitar.

SHDCVLT: What's the story behind "Triumph Over Shipwreck" who had the idea to start it and when did it happen?

Joseph James: Over coming any and all. Eric and I started TOSW June of 2007.

SHDCVLT: How did you guy's come up with the name? gives off a really old school feel, like ion dissonance, and Ed Gein.

Joseph James: It was really just a play on words. We had a bunch of names that just didn't work. Desolate, Shitting Carcass, 
Morning After. Haha shipwreck being any struggle you may have, and overcoming that struggle.

SHDCVLT: Were any of you guy's in other bands before "Triumph over shipwreck"? What instrument did you play?

Joseph James: Miguel played bass for local El Paso band, "Dead Silence. "
Larry played guitar for Las Cruces band, "NIGHTCRAWLER".
Eric and I played in A Basement, A Noose, A Casket. (ABANAC) before Triumph started.

SHDCVLT: So you guy's released “Forever Ending” last month, which has had a pretty good amount of feedback. Did everything meet your expectations? How did you guy's go about writing it and who did what exactly?

Joseph James: "Forever. Ending" has taken off like crazy. We didn't expect that. We wrote an album as an outlet. Just expressing our everyday emotions and new found stresses. Definitely has gone above and beyond our expectations. It was actually a group effort for once haha.

SHDCVLT: How excited were you guy's for the album release? I've been listening to it since it released!
Gives me hardcore tony danza and Dillinger feel. Which you don't see that to much now a days, so it's pretty awesome!

Joseph James: Super excited! CROWNCRUSHER was our last release, and a new release was long over due. Thanks for noticing our influences, we grew up on that stuff. I'm glad we are able to keep pushing it.

SHDCVLT: I noticed you guy's are hitting the road with Insvrgence in November! Really cool dudes, love them and their music. How excited are you guys?
are there any places new places you guy's are playing?

Joseph James: The INSVRGENCE guys are family, totally excited to tour with them. It's always a good time when you go out with dudes you are cool with. Hitting the West coast, it's been a while. Not too many new stop but hitting cities we haven't been to in a year or so.

SHDCVLT: Alright, so what intentions did you guy's have for TOS?, where exactly do you guy's want to go with it? How far are you wanting to go? 

Joseph James: The goal is to tour with comfort. Be able to share our music without breaking the bank.
Skies the limit.

SHDCVLT: What are some of your main musical influences? Who got you into wanting to start a band?

Joseph James: ugh so many bands. As of late: Dying Fetus, Daughters, Animosity,
Nails, Converge, Baptist, Ed Gein.
Deftones was the band that influences Eric and I in the start.
The Number Twelve Looks Like You also played a HUGE roll in our lives.

SHDCVLT: What would you say is the most fulfilling, exciting part about being a musician? Being onstage, playing for fan's like what drives you to continue doing it?

Joseph James: That's for sure. Being able to hang out with friends across the country. Meeting new people who genuinely enjoy what you're doing. Sure ain't the money. Hahah.
It's nice to meet promoters/ venues who still care about us mid level bands. Actually giving us a shot. Thank all you hardworking people for that.

SHDCVLT: What would be your dream tour? What band's would you like to have TOP play with? Come on, I know you've thought about this a lot!

Joseph James: That Code Orange/ Nails/ Twitching Tongues tour looks so damn fun to be honest. I wouldn't mind going out with any Deathwish band. Haha, from the old school, Ion Dissonance, Animosity, Converge, Ed Gein, Danza, The Number Twelve Looks Like You.

SHDCVLT: Is there anything else you would like our readers to know? Anything, Our ear's are open for ya.

Joseph James: Thank you for taking the time to interview us! Any time we can sit and give any insight to the WRECKLYFE is a win. We have a new album as you know, please jam it. Listen to it. Read the lyrics. Come hang out with us. We will be on tour pretty much non stop in 2015. Stay updated. Stay creepy !

Follow Triumph over shipwreck at the following links:

You can purchase their latest release "Forever Ending":



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