F An Interview With Withering - SHDCVLT

An Interview With Withering

Thanks for taking some time to be interviewed for my webzine. Could you please introduce your self and your band members to our readers?

We have Nil Valliere on drums , Vincent Monfette plays the guitar , Yanic Berubé on Bass , Jass on vocals. And a new unannounced member Mick Mongeau on lead guitar and back vocals
Were any of you guys in other bands worth mentioning before Withering got started?

Jass , Nil and Vincent were in a deathcore band called A Hitman's Business. Mick comes from a melo-hardcore band called GLoria Victis and Watch Your Step the oldest hardcore band in sherbrooke.
Jass ,before AHB and Withering , had a Lamb of god Tribute and a grindcore band called Comatmebro.
Yanic was a virgin of the scence before Withering

What do you guys do when your not playing shows or destroying your practice place? What are your day jobs?

We try our best to keep the passion going
Nil and Mike work in Workshops
Vincent and Yanic are 3D artists
and Jass is a Bouncer at the Sherbrooke Venue Bar Le Magog

What is the scene like in your hometown of Sherbrooke, Quebec?

Our scene is agonising..local bands are breaking up one after the other , the youth dont show up or are unaware of the Sherbrooke Hardcore-Metal scene
We work so hard to bring good shows in our home town. We have killer venues, it would be a shame loosing them in apathy.

Do you guys get a good response from the crowd.

Sherbrooke is not used to having Slow and brutal stuff.
But in the outside shows people dig it^^

Are there any new releases in the works?

First EP coming out in march, also merch... basicly everything is coming out in spring 2015
Who designed your logo? Pretty sick!

Thank you ! We're very proud of it !
the artist is Alex B. O'dowd


If you could go on tour with any bands ever, who would they be? What would be your dream tour?

We would love to Tour with bands such as The Acacia Strain , Blind Witness , Kublai Khan , Traitors , Immoralist , Villains But what we would love the most is Tour with our friends in others bands.
Obliterate , Continental , ComeOnRangers , Beyond Deviation , A Thousand Years

Are there any individuals or organizations that get bragging rights for helping you guys get to where you are now?

Maxime Lacroix from House Of Gain Studio who believes in us , helped us out in the production.
John Cabana from Blind Witness for that killer Featuring in our last track Cod4Cunt and also for the killer advice while we talked about labels and how to choose booking agents

A Hitman's business fans who dig our new stuff
The Sherbrooke HC crew ( all 4 of them lol)
Pure Deathcore
HCWW for publishing our first single
Bar Le Magog and Unik Tatouage, percages (tattoo shop) for sponsoring the physical release of our EP 

What can we expect from Withering in 2015?

new Single+Video
Touring Quebec and Ontario
Maybe a few dates in the US! who knows!?

Are there any upcoming events our readers in your area should know about?
EP release show march7th



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