F SHDCVLT Interview with Kaleb Dawson of Prometheus - SHDCVLT

SHDCVLT Interview with Kaleb Dawson of Prometheus

A friend of mine told me about a band so fresh, they didnt even have a facebook page yet. They came together quick and started playing shows right away. Kaleb Dawson (Front Man) sent me a pre production of a song from their upcoming release, and let me tell you. This band is fucking epic. I was particularly impressed with how gnarly and guttural his vocals sounded. In disbelief i looked up his band on instagram and watched a video clip of him recording guest vocals for another band. Sure enough, his vox really did sound that badass. No editing, no bullshit. I cant fucking wait to see these guys live. Kaleb was generous enough to give me some of his time to do an interview for webzine. Make sure you share this around so we can get the word out about Kaleb and his new band Prometheus.

Thanks for taking some time to be interviewed for our webzine. Could you please introduce your self and your band members to our readers?

Yes! Thank you for considering us! My name is Kaleb Dawson and I am the singer of the PNW native band Prometheus. We are a 6 piece “Deathcore” band that consists of Kevin Nelson (Lead guitar,) Seth Freeman (Rhythm / 2nd lead guitar,) Zildjian Viers (Main rhythm section,) Brandon Wilson (Bass) and Tony Ward who is actually a newly added member on drums.

Were any of you guys in other bands worth mentioning before Prometheus got started?

Not really, I mean, I was once in a pretty well known band called Beneath All Kaos for a couple years but I left that band in order to pursue this project. As for the others, Kevin and Seth come from smaller local acts, it’s Zildjian’s and brandon’s first time in a serious band and as far as Tony goes, he is a fulltime student attending The Art Institute Of Seattle and he is currently working with the Ex singer of Demolisher and Dilan Stameski (Ex member of Villians) on an online project called “OUTLAW.” 

Prometheus is a relatively new band right? Where did the idea come about and how did you guys come together?

Well Prometheus was originally created because I knew that I wanted to part ways with my fulltime band that I played guitar in to pursue a carrier as a front man of a really heavy band like all the ones I looked up to and loved so much like Suicide Silence and Whitechapel (not to sound cliché haha.) I stayed up all night thinking of names and I wrote like 100 band names on a piece of paper and brought them to a friend of mine that played drums and we just decided to go with Prometheus because of the history of the legend being so brutal and the simple fact it just sounded very thick in yet classy. It went along with the message we were trying to send. we already had a couple of songs written because I played guitar in the band initially so we could get on our feet right away with no down time. On the side I wrote lyrics and put them to the music so that as soon as we found the right team of guitar players we could instantly be ready to play shows. And that’s exactly what we did! Pretty much everyone in the local area knew that I left my band Beneath All Kaos so my facebook messenger blew up for weeks asking what was next for me and how the heck they could try out for the new project. Seth and Kevin came naturally as they were both in bands that had come to an end and we were from the same area. Everyone else just kind of fell into place and we started kicking as much ass as possible as fast as possible.

How long did it take you guys to start booking shows?

I pretty much booked our first show before we had any official members. So not long at all. It was booked about 4 months out and me and the drummer at the time already had a full set list of songs so it just became a race against the clock to find members that could play the stuff and that wanted to have a good time on stage! A friend of mine named Jacob planned on booking us on a fest he does every year called oasis fest and that was supposed to be our first show but surprisingly we had found a full bands worth of members and were ready in a couple of weeks so we messaged him about possibly playing something sooner and the next thing you know he through a pretty big bill at us for a first show offer so we geared up and got ready to dominate!

How has the response from the crowd been for the shows you guys have played so far? Tell us about your first few shows with To The Wind, Betraying The Martyrs, and Whitechappel. 

All I can say is… WOW. I have never received so much love and compassion from so many people at once before, being a part of this band. Something about they way we present our selfs or something about the sound that we create just sends people into this primal mind set and honestly, I have yet to be let down. The attendance of every show keeps getting bigger, the names we are sharing the stage with are getting bigger, everything is just lining up and I am just so excited that everyone is having such a good time doing what they love. Our very first show was with To The Wind which was pretty cool for us seeing as how they are a pretty well known band around our area and then the next thing you know we got offers from all over WA to come play on Summer Slaughter tour, go to Spokane to play with Extortionist, Share the stage with Betraying The Martyrs and the last show we actually played was a sold out show, on Halloween night with Upon A Burning Body and Whitechapel at Studio Seven. That was the experience of a life time!

I understand you have an EP coming out! When can we expect it to be released? And what can we expect?

Yes we do actually! Its called “Misanthropy” and it should be completely digitally and physically released sometime early in 2015. As far as what you can expect from the E.P… If you enjoy good old fashion heavy ass metal, you will love this album. It’s a very modern day twist on the classic “Deathcore” sound that we all know and love. Definitely not the same old over produced crap everyone seems to be putting out lately.

Who is producing it? Where is it being recorded?

We actually recorded everything our selfs thanks to a good friend of ours named Andrew. He is a 16 year old kid with a huge ambition for writing and recording. We had someone record vocals and master it but unfortunately there were a few misunderstandings so we decided to no longer work with him and soon after that we got a Personal show offer from the one and only I Declare War and ever since that offer, I have been talking to some of the guys in that band and their very own Joe Garcia (Drums) decided to offer to help us and now is fully in charge of the production of the album. I ccouldn't be more excited to have someone like him behind the album. From what I can tell its going to have a really big sound.

Who designed your merch? Did this person also design your Logo? Its very legit and clean.

Yes in fact the same person does design both our merch and all of our art! My good friend Ben Hoagland from Extortionist does all of our work! He always does such a great job for us. He always takes his time to work with you and make sure you are happy with the work. If anyone is interested in having him work with you on something, he actually owns his own company called 222 DESIGN and you can find him on facebook as well. Tell him Kaleb sent you. Hahaha.

If you could go on tour with any bands ever, who would they be? What would be your dream tour?

As far as what would be a good tour for Prometheus, I think a sick tour would consist of Lorna Shore, Oceano, The Black Dahlia Murder and either Whitechapel or Suicide Silence as a headliner. But MY dream tour would be with 86 Metallica, 88 Slayer, 2002-2008 Suicide Silence and Pantera. 

Are there any individuals or organizations that get bragging rights for helping you guys get to where you are now?

To be honest, not really. Everything we have done, we have done for our selves and I have a feeling that’s the way it is going to be for a while. We have already had a couple management companies hit us up but we don’t really feel like we are ready to “Belong” to anyone right now. Hard work pays off and we are going to keep on pushing.

What can we expect from Prometheus in 2015? 

Hopefully we will get a legitimate website up, Drop the “Misanthropy” E.P, work on an online merch store and get a couple small weekend warrior tours under our belts so we can gear up for when we decided to start working with a legitimate management company and touring full time!

Are there any upcoming events our readers in your area should know about?

Absolutely! Jan 2nd at El Corazon in Seattle we are co-headlining with I Declare War and if you are in the area you should definitely come out and check us out on such a sick show.

I noticed you guys did some charity work and helped out the homeless. Can you fill us in on the that?
Yeah! We recently gathered as many donations as possible from all of our friends and family so that we could provide the homeless of Seattle with new blankets, jackets and other clothes. We just all felt like since we have been making such an impact on the community as it is already we might as well be doing something a little less selfish by using the band and the network of people we know for positive change. Its been really cold and wet out there and I can personally say that being in that situation is not cool. Haha. Plus we have not been doing much while we have been waiting for our EP “Misanthropy” to drop.

As we wrap this up is there anything else you want to included?

Here is our instagram please follow us there because we do not have a facebook.



Brett Curtis said...

Cant wait to see these guys throw down.

Greg Leaton said...

These guys need to make a fb page already so i can like it.

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