F Deftones Scheduled To Record New Album Next Month! - SHDCVLT

Deftones Scheduled To Record New Album Next Month!

Back in March 2014 Deftones announce that they would be recording a new record in either late 2014 or early 2015.....

AT NAMM this past weekend, lead guitarist Stephen Carpenter of Deftones did an interview with Muic Store Live. In said interview Stephen reveals that Deftones may be hitting the studio next month to start recording their next record! If not next month, then very soon.

In the interview posted bellow he makes the following statement....
"Were supposed to be going in to record it next month, but were kinda taking it as it goes. I mean, we're not all the way ready now, but we've still got time and were working on it." 

Fucking Stoked. That is all.



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