F Illumignarly Endorsement For Prometheus - SHDCVLT

Illumignarly Endorsement For Prometheus

The first band to receive an Illumignarly Apparel endorsement in 2015. Prometheus is a brutal deathcore band from The Pacific Northwest. I decided to endorse these guys because of how hard they work, and how quickly they have come together and started tearing up the stage. They just started and already, within their first few shows, they have shared the stage with heavy hitters such as To The Wind, I Declare War, Upon A Burning Body, And Whitechapel. The decision to hook these guys up with an endorsement was easy. I am proud to welcome them to the illumignarly family. And i cant wait to fit these guys with some Illumignarly Gear. 

Interview with the Front Man
Band Instagram Account



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