F An interview with Adam Artea On The Behalf Of First Degree - SHDCVLT

An interview with Adam Artea On The Behalf Of First Degree

Thanks for taking some time to be interviewed by us! Could u introduce your self and your band mates? As well as your positions in the band?

Yea no problem man. I'm Adam Artea I do vocals, James Lindamood-vocals, Nick Black-Guitar, Zack Kington-Guitar, Travis Rosecrans-Bass and our drummer is Sam Reid.

Where any of you dudes in other bands worth mentioning before First Degree came together?

None worth mentioning

What is your local scene like? Does your home town show you lots of support?

Inland Empire and Orange county have solid scenes and we get alot of support in these areas. It's awesome. I've met some of the most loyal and solid people through IE and OC shows too. But where I'm personally from (corona) not a whole lot of people go to shows and it's really sad and disappointing.

Do you think the absence of support in corona comes from the lack of good venues in that area?

Maybe but honestly I feel that's no excuse. There are multiple venues that have shows more often then not in surrounding areas.

This is true, there really is no good excuse. You guys are having your album Street Justice distributed by FWH Records: Fresh Blood Series. How did this partnership come to be and where can our readers order / pre order their copy?

Axel Goerdeth the owner of FWH hit us up through our band facebook asking if we'd be interested. As of right now, you can order a copy of Street Justice off the FWH site shop and we will soon have our own copies in stock so you will be able to order one off of our bandcamp as well.

Badasss! Congrats! Just so we can get some background info on FWH what bands are signed to their label?

Thank you! They've got 6 Ft Ditch, Unit 731, CDC, Fury Of Five, King Of Clubz and more all on their roster

Sick! If you could take First Degree on tour with any bands ever, who would they be? What's your dream tour?

Oh damn that's a good question. I'd have to say Cold Hard Truth, Death Before Dishonor, I.E.D., and 6 Ft Ditch. (In no specific order)

Does First Degree have any tours plans for the future?

Yea we want to hit up multiple cities in northern and central Cali as well as Reno NV, AZ cities, New Mexico, and Texas. Nothing is set in stone yet except for our AZ date which is on the 6th of June.

I will be at that Az date showing my support for sure! What's the craziest thing you have seen go down at one of your shows?

Hell yea thank you man means alot! At a first degree show nothing too crazy yet just a few fights and people moshing with weapons and heavy duty hardware tools. But i played a show with my old band like 5 years ago and The security guards were acting like a bunch of dicks hitting kids who were moshing with mag lights. Finally everyone there had enough. Long story short security got beat the fuck up and thrown through a big glass window. One guard started crying. It was a great time

Epic!!!! What individuals or organizations really put in work and helped you guys get to where u Are now?

There's a good handful man our homies Luke Lodge, Danny McGary, Kurt Willingham, Jake Kelley always trying to make it out to every show we play. All of our supporters who download or music and rep our merch. Chugcore, Hardcore Still Lives, Slam Worldwide, Filled With Hate Records for spreading our name around and getting our name out there. We couldn't be more grateful for all of the undying support we're getting

That's amazing!!! And now you guys have support for the shdcvlt team as we'll!!! As we wrap this up, is there anything else you would like our readers to know? And thank you for your time!

Hell yea that's awesome. We're already writing new material for an ep or possibly even a split with another band. We've got new merch in the works and more shows being to booked. We can't be stopped. Keep repping California Beatdown

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