F An Interview with Andrew from Keepsake - SHDCVLT

An Interview with Andrew from Keepsake

  • Elexa: Glad you could be interviewed with us, man. So, would you like to introduce yourself and what Keepsake is?
  • Andrew: Well, my name is Andrew and I play guitar in the band Keepsake from Las Vegas! Keepsake is the band that we formed back in 2013 with the purpose of delivering a positive message to all who wanted to listen.
  • Elexa: Is there a specific message you guys wanted to extend to the hardcore scene?
  • Andrew: Realism and hope is the general message we try pass on. Understanding the bad things that happen in our lives and growing from them rather than dwelling. Our latest EP has a few different topics regarding it but it's all the same message overall.

  • Elexa: I feel that. I'm sure many people relate to your guys' stuff then. You guys just announced a tour with Anchors Overboard next month- will you be performing any songs from the new EP?
  • Andrew: Yes, that's going to be starting the end of this month! We'll be playing nearly the whole EP along with an old song from our 2013 demo EP.
  • Elexa: I've also taken note that you guys play many shows in SoCal, why is that?
  • Andrew: Our first out-of-state show was in Pomona at the Aladdin Jr. two years ago, in August I believe, and we had an incredible reaction. It surprised us considering we were a new band testing the waters in other states. We made a lot of friends that day and we keeping making new ones every time we visit so we always try to come back whenever we can!
  • Elexa: That's so fucking awesome to hear. I feel like most bands are losing their touch about what the hardcore community is about, but you guys got it on lock. What would you say is your guys' dream tour?
  • Andrew: I think any tour that can take us to awesome places with awesome bands would be a perfect dream tour whether it's with another young band or if we're the opening band for other bands that are already doing it pretty big. Playing a festival is something I would love to do one day as well!
  • Elexa: Ace. So who designed/s your merch and/or logo? I like the classic traditional touch it has to it.
  • Andrew: Our white shirt design with the hand design was done by a talented friend of ours in Vegas and our first ever shirt design was actually made my Tyler of Being As An Ocean. Other than that, all of our shirt designs were made by us! We like playing around with simple designs!
  • Elexa: Is there anybody specific you'd like to thank that's maybe helped a lot along the way?
  • Andrew: As cheesy as this sounds, I would sincerely like to thank anyone who has supported us in some way whether it was go to a show, buy a CD or a T-shirt, share our music, let us sleep on their floor, or even give us a chance. Vegas is a great support system but every city we've been to since we started going on runs and tours have been equally as supportive. 
  • I would also like to thank the Napoli Pizza in Vegas for being delicious and tolerating the large group of bands we always bring in. Lol!
  • Elexa: Shout out to your local pizza parlor (Take notes). What would you say has been your favorite part of being with Keepsake?
  • Andrew: I could probably name a thousand things that are my favorite but I'll try to shorten it down to one thing! I think my friends are my favorite part. Every person in my band and everybody we meet out-of-state. Usually if anybody shows interest in us, I try to be their friend. I'm not really good at having just fans of my band!
  • Elexa: What keeps you going through the hard and the good times, as a band?
  • Andrew: The bands that we listen to and all of the things right and wrong with the world keeps us going and plays strong roles on our inspirations. We want to be more than just a band but rather a movement. Spreading the message of realism and hope through loud and aggressive music that can be heard.

  • Elexa: What do your family members think about your decisions, career and music-wise?
  • Andrew: My dad actually bought my first guitar when I was 16 (I'm 23 now. I'm a late bloomer) and my brother's first guitar (our vocalist). He always supports us by wearing a shirt and telling us how proud of us he is!
  • Elexa: That's awesome your dad supports you guys with a band that's expressing a positive message to this scene. I had nooo idea your brother was in Keepsake with you! Are there any perks or disadvantages to that?
  • Andrew: Even way before Keepsake, we were always in the same bands together! We both got into music together and I would probably feel a little out of place if we were in separate bands.
  • Elexa: What other bands have you and your brother started? And what makes Keepsake different from those?
  • Andrew: We were in two metal-core bands that were pretty short lived. Played a few shows and recorded demos but there wasn't a sense of direction. I don't think anybody liked us that much either. Lol. The band before Keepsake included my brother on bass, our drummer, and myself. The band decided on splitting up but the three of us stayed together and that's how Keepsake came to be. Our other guitar player Matt and old vocalist were in other local bands that ended up splitting as well so we picked them up. That lasted until a couple of months after our first show when the old vocalist had to leave the band and my brother moved from bass to vocals and we picked up our current bass player Christian. The band has had the same members ever since. This is the longest amount of time I've ever been in a band, the first band I've been in that toured and had any legitimate songs/merch. That's the major difference between this band and the previous bands I've been in.
  • Elexa: Wow. That just goes to show that bands will go through a fucking lot, before making it. Props to all of you for persuing your aspirations and making it this far. To conclude, is there anything you'd like your fans to keep in mind?
  • Andrew: I would like to thank anyone who has made us feel like we matter. We can never repay all of the kindness but we try to give back as much as we can. And I would like to thank you for your time in this interview.



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