F An Interview with Bush from Ruinist - SHDCVLT

An Interview with Bush from Ruinist

  • Elexa: Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed by SHDCVLT. Can we start off with your name and the band you're in?
  • Bush: Sup, I'm Bush from Ruinist and we're here to ruin everything. Jk I play guitar in a band called Ruinist.
  • Elexa: Haha, yo! So would you mind telling us about Ruinist and how it came to be?
  • Bush: Ruinist is made up of 5 people. We are a Downtempo-Beatdown band from Los Angeles, CA. At first we weren't really meant to be taken seriously, but we saw that people were digging it, so we decided to actually make it official.
  • Elexa: In such a short time, you guys've managed to play with bands such as Carried Weight, Genocide District, Face Your Maker, Strength in the Struggle, Anchors Overboard and catch a spot for Seditionist's last performance. Are there any other bands you'd hope or wish to play with eventually?
  • Bush: We'd like to play with any band. But some bands we'd love to play with would be Barrier / The Last Ten Seconds Of Life / Black Tongue. As of right now, we love playing with Anchors Overboard and Carried Weight.
  • Elexa: How many songs do you guys have released so far?
  • Bush: So far we have released 4 songs, which would be Gridlock / Lightmind / Warfield and Earn It.
  • http://ruinistband.bandcamp.com/releases (First three singles)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk58DI3V5bg (Earn It)

  • Elexa: I honestly love Warfield. What city would you say is your favorite to play in?
  • Bush: Orange County & Pomona!
  • Elexa: Ayeeeeeeee, haha. And why's that?
  • Bush: The people are so energetic; they really know how to get rowdy. It's always a good turn out.
  • Elexa: What would you say is your goal for Ruinist?
  • Bush: Our goal as a band is to produce music people can relate to, as well as music that you can have fun to. We want to play in as many places as we can for as long as it takes, since this is what we love to do.
  • Elexa: Which show has been your favorite to play so far?
  • Bush: Honestly, it has to be the Pomona House Show with Ocean Blind, xDEFIANTx & Anchors Overboard!
  • Elexa: Is Ruinist preparing anything big for 2015?
  • Bush: A tour & new EP!
  • Elexa: What should be expected on this EP? Do you have a title yet?
  • Bush: No title yet, this EP is going to be more active. There's going to be a story line to it. We have a song on this EP that is way different from our original stuff and it's also featuring Shwayze, the vocalist of Anchors Overboard.
  • Elexa: Ace. In the times that I've seen you guys play, you brought a lot of energy to the room. As we close this up, is there anyone or are there any people you'd like to give recognition to?
  • Bush: We'd definitely like to give recognition to out fans and to all of our local bands in the scene. We've grown so much by watching them and sharing the stage with some of the best ones. Definitely a huge shout out to Conflicts, a local band from Kansas City, who showed support even before our shows set off, and they're in a completely different state. Also, xDEFIANTx for being our brothers in this scene out here in Cali.



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