F An Interview with Destitute - SHDCVLT

An Interview with Destitute

  • Elexa: Hey guys, thank you for taking the time to be interviewed by SHDCVLT. Would you guys introduce yourselves to our readers?
  • Nathan: Hey what's up, I'm Nathan Mancinas and I do vocals for Destitute.
  • Jacob: How's it going! Name's Jacob, I play guitar.

    David: What's up! My name's David and I'm the drummer of Destitute.
  • Quinn: Hey, what's up. I'm Quinn, I play bass.
  • Elexa: Okay, so our first question is why have you guys delayed on playing for a while? Are you guys preparing for something big?
  • Jacob: We have been working extremely hard the last couple months on our self-titled EP and also dealing with a recent member change as well. Pretty much just getting everything and everyone back up to speed in preparation for a comeback.
  • Elexa: Awesome to hear. Excited to listen to your guys' stuff. So what exactly were the issues involving the vocalist?
  • Jacob: We all have jobs and lives outside of the band (like all bands) and our schedules didn't really match up.
  • Elexa: So alongside having Nathan as your new vocalist, is there anything we should expect from your EP?
  • Jacob: Songs that are MASSIVE in sound/quality, material that is heavy, ruthless and to the point! Lyrics that are angry yet meaningful as well.
  • Elexa: That honestly sounds tight as fuck. Have you guys picked a location to play your return show? And if so, when would you guys start booking?
  • Jacob: We're still trying to find the perfect show for our return. We want to play a show with our close friends and bands that we've played with since the beginning and that we've looked up to. As far as a location, we haven't really decided. The Grizzly Den in Upland, CA would have to be at the top of our list!
  • Elexa: I've moved back and forth between Orange and the Inland Empire, and I.E. knows how to get rowdy. The Grizzly Den would be a perfect fucking spot. What bands has Destitute played with before? And what bands would you guys say influence your guys' sound or content?
  • Jacob: We have had the pleasure of playing with so many great bands over the years from different genres. Molotov Solution, Sworn Enemy, The Greenery, Face Your Maker, Genocide District, Raw Dawg, Set Your Anchor, Abiotic, Dealey Plaza, Traitors and Anchors Overboard. God, there are so many bands we have shared the stage with. That's just to name a quick few. As far as influences go, we all have different artist's that make up our own personal sound.
  • Elexa: Are there any other projects or bands any of you were in before Destitute? How did you come up for the name of this band?
  • Jacob: David, our drummer, was originally from a band called "In Act of Hope". Quinn, our bassist, was actually the vocalist for "Ail", a local heavy band, like ourselves. Nathan, our vocalist, was doing vocals for "There Maybe Blood" before joining Destitute. As for myself, this is my first band ever. The name Destitute actually originated from a Molotov Solution song feat. Adam Warren of Oceano called, "The Final Hour".
  • Elexa: Are these bands still around? And what about the song inspired the name?
  • Jacob: As of this moment, none of these bands are currently around. The word "Destitute" is such a powerful word and has such meaning behind it. Everyone connects with it in their own way.
  • Elexa: What bands would you imagine or hope seeing yourselves playing with in 2015?
  • Nathan: I would love to play with The Last Ten Seconds of life, Lorna Shore and Whitechapel because they are my most inspirational bands I follow.
  • David: I like to play with a lot of bands. Different genres. I love so many different styles of music and I'd love to play with so many.
  • Elexa: Is there anyone or are there any people you'd like to give a special mention to?
  • David: We'd like to thank all of our friends and our families for standing beside us and supporting us. Pushing us to improve and work hard. We'd also like to thank our good friend, Jacob Garcia. He played a huge part in this EP and helped us out a lot.

  • Elexa: And to conclude, is there anything you'd like to tell your fans?
  • Nathan: We just want to to say thank you so much and always look forward to new music and shows we will play. And we love and appreciate all of the support!



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