F An Interview with Joseph from xDefiantx - SHDCVLT

An Interview with Joseph from xDefiantx

  • Elexa: Thank you for taking some time out of your day for this interview. So Joseph, you're the guitarist for xDefiantx. Would you mind telling us a bit about that?

  • Joseph: Not at all. What would you like to know exactly?

  • Elexa: How did you come up with the name? And what genre of music are you guys?

  • Joseph: Well, one of our good friends ended up suggesting it. My vocalist and I eventually grew a liking to it. I feel like it represents independence and not letting others keep you close-minded. Like, we are defiant against what society views as "music" since hardcore is more underground than mainstream. We have a beat-down influence incorporated with thrash since we all have our own roots. Which is why I would categorize our genre as hardcore so we are not put in a box.

  • Elexa: Ace. And do the x's around the title symbolize anything in particular?

  • Joseph: When the band started, it consisted of four members who were all straight edge (including myself). We now have new members, which three of us claim edge; our drummer, vocalist and I. Our bassist and new guitarist do not.

  • Elexa: Do your personal preferences influence the content of your guys' music?

  • Joseph: Yes, most definitely. I think it comes out in our lyrics the most since our vocalist is writing from his experiences and perspectives on life. As for my writing on guitar, it also applies. From the kind of music I listen to and influence off of. Does that answer your question? Not sure if that was what you were asking.

  • Elexa: Haha, yes. You guys have been playing soooo many shows lately (which I still have yet to see), is this something 2015 has welcomed you with?

  • Joseph: We lost a lot of our followers since we took a little over a year off because of member changes, equipment expenses and finding dedicated members. My vocalist and I are the only original members- been together since day one. That being said, we had a lot of time to make up for. So with our new drummer and bassist, we really wanted to come back strong. Which I like to believe we did. So we have constantly been jumping on shows to build our following. This way when we release our merch and album in the next few months, people will actually take the time to listen it all the way through.

  • Elexa: Are you guys already working on a new album?

  • Joseph: Starting April 18th will be our first recording day.

  • Elexa: And exactly a week before, you guys are sharing the stage with Backtrack and Bane. Any words?

  • Joseph: Just that it's a real honor to be playing with such amazing bands. Backtrack has been a huge impact on my writing as far as being a guitarist goes and I can't wait to finally see them.

  • Elexa: I'm pretty fucking stoked for you to be playing with such a great band. And you guys were asked to play with them. Props to that. Are there any bands you have in mind that you'd eventually want to play with?

    Joseph: Tbh, I love playing with any band- popular or not. They are all humble people which I love about this scene. If I had to choose, it would be my influences like Suburban Scum, TERROR, Lionheart, ect.

  • Elexa: Lionheart's one of my favorites! What would you say is Defiant's greatest accomplishment so far?

  • Joseph: I think coming across our new members because they are very talented and dedicated. Also, us opening for Backtrack. A lot of exposure and an honor.

  • Elexa: I feel that. Congrats to you guys. Is there anything else that's coming up for Defiant later this year?

  • Joseph: Well, we got offered to sign with On Attack Records which is a great opportunity. They basically will manage and invest in us.
  • Elexa: That's awesome, dude. As we wrap this up, is there anything you'd like your readers to know?
  • Joseph: Just that we really appreciate all the support our fans have given us. From compliments, show offers, to promotions; it all makes a difference and we couldn't be more thankful.



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