F An Interview With Shwayze Of Anchors Overboard - SHDCVLT

An Interview With Shwayze Of Anchors Overboard

  • Elexa: Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed. Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
  • Shwayze: Hey everyone, my name is Shwayze and I'm the vocalist of Anchors Overboard.
  • Elexa: Tell us a bit about your band and what you aspire to do with it.
  • Shwayze: We are a 5-piece Melodic Hardcore band from Riverside, California. Hopefully AO grows into something big but if not, that's cool. As long as someone somewhere vibes with us.
  • Elexa: What drew you to want to make melodic hardcore? Are there any bands that've influenced you?
  • Shwayze: I personally feel as if hardcore music is meant to be filled with emotion and about realistic things. The whole stigma of "I'm brutal and tearing flesh apart" thing never really appealed to me. And melodic hardcore seems to be the zone where emotion and well-written music mesh. Influences for us range from a huge spectrum but as for melodic styles Heart In Hand, Counterparts, Killing The Dream, For The Fallen Dreams and Hundredth are where it's at.
    • Elexa: I've seen a few of your guys' performances myself and you really do know how to bring emotion to the table. Speaking of which, you guys have been consistently playing shows lately. And you're going on tour with Keepsake from Las Vegas, Nevada, and a few other bands, if I'm correct. Are you stoked?
    • Shwayze: The dudes in Keepsake are so solid and really chill. We're ALL incredibly stoked to be on this tour. It's going to be a lot of fun hitting the road and getting into nonsense along the way.
    • Elexa: Will this be your guys' first tour as well as Keepsake's?
    • Shwayze: We had a previous run a while ago and I can't speak for Keepsake with certainty but I'm sure they've toured before.
    • Elexa: Ace. You guys currently have one album, "Beacon" and one EP, "Sonder" out. Are you guys currently working on anything else?
    • Shwayze: Yes we are, we're currently recording a full length that we're aiming to release later this year. 10 new tracks that we hope everyone will enjoy.
    • Elexa: Will you guys be incorporating anything new as far as content or music goes?
    • Shwayze: We're still AO, but we found a love for ambience. We're pretty stoked on it.

  • Elexa: What bands has AO played with or would like to play with?
  • Shwayze: We've played with a lot of different bands, it would be hard to pin point it down to a small list. I can't speak for everyone but I think playing with Hundredth, Counterparts, Stray From The Path, FTFD and Elephantis (R.I.P) would be most fun to play with.
  • Elexa: What's your favorite part about being the vocalist for AO?
  • Shwayze: I have a strong belief that people are quick to hear but never listen and when you need someone to be there it's in one ear and out the other. But with AO people listen, they relate and I guess it helps to know I myself and everyone else isn't as alone as we sometimes think.
  • Elexa: Like many bands, there is always a struggle. Whether it be meeting up on a regular schedule or finding dedicated members- what would you say was yours as a band?
  • Shwayze: Definitely clashes of schedules, some members are balancing school, work, family life and perusing their own social life. But we manage to make it work, and have a blast when we're doing our thing.
  • Elexa: You are also the lyricist for Anchors Overboard. What would you say is your muse?
  • Shwayze: I just write out what I feel, it's my way of venting. It plays into that whole people hear but never listen thing.
  • Elexa: Which song do you think most people are able to relate to?
  • Shwayze: I feel as if a lot of people relate to Gone, But Never Forgotten. I lost a few friends and family in a short time span and it's sort of me coming to terms with things. Everyone's lost someone, and everyone will fade away. That's life.
  • Elexa: And as we wrap this up, is there anything you'd like your fans to keep in mind?
  • Shwayze: I think that everyone, whether a fan or not should keep in mind that being in a rut doesn't have to define you. Don't be scared to admit you have a problem and please don't try to hold it in; it will only do more harm and affect your personal lives.



TaQuisha M. Lewis said...

AO is one of the tightest unsigned bands I've come across. I have a love for the melodic element they bring to the hardcore scene.True to life lyrics and heart wrenching vocals... Good shit......

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