F Band On A Budget Logo / Flyer Design. - SHDCVLT

Band On A Budget Logo / Flyer Design.

Whats Gucci mang? Brett Deadly here with the first installment of SHDCVLT Band Hacks!! The purpose of this column is to share knowledge that any band on a budget would find useful. If you were planning on paying some half assed designer $20 bucks for a shitty quick logo. Today is your lucky day. First off let me say that if you want to hire a designer, make an investment and pay $50 - $75 for a logo that really does your band justice. Any designer who charges 10 or 20 bucks for a logo that is supposed to represent the identity of your band is clearly just out to make a quick buck off you, and is likely to just slap something together in a few minutes without putting any care or heart into it. There is a list of trusted designers on this site u can choose from if u want to take the legit route. But if your band is on a budget, i got your back bruh. Just follow these instructions. No design experience or fancy programming required. All u need is a computer, internet access and a free program called Inkscape.

I've included pictures Yay!!! [claps hands like an infant]

Download Inkscape for your Mac or PC

If your a person who can follow simple direction getting it installed should be a breeze.

Find Fonts And Install Them
Im going to use Dafont.com for a simple commissioned logo im doing for a client.

Here are some links for guidelines on installing fonts.

And here are a few fonts that go well with metal / hardcore logos.

Load up inkscape and find your font.

You're going to have to experiment with the program a little bit, but with a clean font and some optional editing you can end up with a pretty clean logo to hold over your band until you guys are in a position to hire a designer.

After some tweaking, and rearranging i ended up with this. And my client loved it! You can even draw a picture or logo. Then scan it and use inkscape to trace the art and turn it into a vector print ready image.



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