F Lorna Shore to release debut full length "PSALMS" on June 9th. - SHDCVLT

Lorna Shore to release debut full length "PSALMS" on June 9th.

Lorna Shore announced that they will be releasing a full length album this coming June. I cannot be more stoked.

Lorna Shore is a deathcore band from New Jersey. They blew away every other deathcore band out there with their release of Maleficium EP in December of 2013. 

Lorna Shore brings a lot to the table when it comes to the deathcore sound. They incorporate a lot of dark riffs and passages utilizing dissonant, yet still melodic composition. A lot of technical drum work, with guitar work to match. Their instrumentation is pure genius. The artistry is topped off by the vocals of Tom Barber, their front man. Inbetween the chaotic masterpiece-like riffing written by, Guitarist, Adam Di Micco, they play some of the hardest breakdowns I've ever had the pleasure to hear. They have not yet succumbed to the bombastically slow breakdowns of the beatdown/downtempo scene, but still seem to be far heavier.

Their full length, PSALMS, will feature 10 tracks:
1. Grimoire
2. Harvest Realms
3. Throne of Worms
4. White Noise
5. From The Pale Mist
6. Infernal Haunting
7. Death Gowns
8. Wretching in Torment
9. Traces of Supremacy
10. Eternally Oblivion

The titles of these 10 tracks give me goosebumps. Not only from excitement and anxiousness to hear the new stuff, but also from how creepy the concept of this album seems.

The album will be released on June 9th. Pre-order bundles have been mentioned.

You can catch Lorna Shore on the Metal Alliance Tour this spring with death megal legends Deicide, as well as Entombed A.D., Hate Eternal, Black Crown Initiate, and SVART CROWN.

I am unbelieveably stoked for the new album, and I cant be more proud of my friends in Lorna Shore for getting all these amazing opportunities.



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