F A Interview With Front Man Fraser of Zeolite - SHDCVLT

A Interview With Front Man Fraser of Zeolite

Deadly: Thank you for taking some time from your busy schedule to be interviewed for SHDCVLT. Can you introduce your self to our readers?

For sure man. I'm Fraser, the vocalist.

Deadly: Awesome. Nice to meet you Fraser. And who are your band mates? What roles do they play?

Patrick - guitarist and main writing contributor
Lucas - Bass
James - Drums

Deadly: Your debut self titled ep has just dropped! How has the response been from your fans. Getting lots of orders!?

Fraser: It has been pretty solid man. Happy so far!

Deadly: Where can my readers support your band and get a download?

Fraser: https://zeolite.bandcamp.com Also available on iTunes and Spotify

Deadly: I just spotted some of your merch in my Band Promotion Facebook Group. These designs are sick man! Who designs your merch?

Fraser: Scotty Bates designed our last run of merch.https://www.facebook.com/AppleBabyArt/

Deadly: Whats your dream tour? What bands active or extinct do you wish you could tour with?

Fraser: So many different bands! Couldn't possibly pick one. Maybe a big festival with all of them!

Deadly: Haha fair enough. Then who would be the headliners to this epic death fest of madness?

Fraser: Honestly there are so many. And in the band we all have different tastes. But I'd say we'd be pretty happy to play with Meshuggah, After the Burial, Whitechapel, Monuments. Obviously massive bands like Slipknot would be desirable hahahaha

Deadly: And decapitated with Vitek brought back from the dead and Covan pulled out of the coma! We got similar tastes in metal! Do you guys get a lot of support from your hometown or the scene in Australia? Any big tours or shows coming up?

Fraser: In Tassie we are very well supported and we are growing interstate with each visit. We have our EP launch his weekend in Launceston. In March we hit Sydney with our friends Whoretopsy and Hollow World. We also have plans coming together for QLD and more Vic dates. Maybe Canberra too.

Deadly: Im sure some of our readers will end up at your Aussie dates. We have a big following in Australia.  Do you think you guys will make it over here to the US for a tour?!

Fraser: Hopefully one day. Once we really build ourselves a strong national presence (hopefully)!

Deadly: Yup! Well to help out with that ive added your free singles to beatdown.co and promoted your new release! I hope it helps! As we wrap this interview up is there anything else you would like our readers to know? And thank you so much for your time!

 Fraser: No, thank you! Nothing else much to add. Just hope people check our stuff out and share it about!

Deadly: Check out Zeolite on social media and show our boys from Tasmania some support!





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