F An Interview With Bow Before Horus - SHDCVLT

An Interview With Bow Before Horus


Austin (Vocals)
Lindsey (Guitar)
KC (Bass)
Brandon (Drums)

Can you introduce yourselves to the readers?
Austin: We are Bow Before Horus, from Grangerland, Texas

How and when did you guys become a band?
Bow Before Horus: Well, about two years ago we started as a different band called “Air Ivory” we weren’t as heavy as we are now. We had a few member changes and we decided to go with a name change and we ended up becoming more of the death metal/deathcore sound you hear now.

When can we expect new music from you guys?
Bow Before Horus: Soon, we just joined up with True Initiative Management and we should have our song “Embodiment of Disorder” released soon through BeheadingTheTraitor, and we are working on our next EP late January.

What bands growing up gave you inspiration to write music?
Bow Before Horus: Lamb of God, Pantera, Suffocation, Decapitated, and Cannibal Corpse

What advice can you give new bands wanting to play shows?
Bow Before Horus: Play as many as you can, terrible or not take the bad shows for all their worth. As you as you start paying your dues that’s when you start getting bigger shows. Work hard and make a lot of sacrifices and you will get somewhere.

What is your dream tour with you guys on the bill?
Bow Before Horus: The Black Dahlia Murder, Suffocation, Thy Art Is Murder and Job For A Cowboy.

Attitude Era or WCW?
Brandon: I don’t know what that is
Austin: Dude! WCW
Lindsey: Attitude Era

Anything else you would like to tell the readers before we go?
Bow Before Horus: Give us weed. Again we are Bow Before Horus from Grangerland, Texas so check us out.

Bow Before Horus Social Media:



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