F An Interview With Deviant - SHDCVLT

An Interview With Deviant


DEVIANT is: Matt Stokes (Vocals) Aaron StPierre (Bass) Nick Ortiz (Drums)
Can you introduce yourselves to the readers?
DEVIANT: Matt Stokes – Vocals
Aaron StPierre – Bass
Nick Ortiz – Drums

How and when did you guys become a band?
DEVIANT: We started in 2014, It was our old vocalist Nick Sadler and I (Matt), just an internet project. We ended up writing a full album then Nick departed the band for college and I stepped up as the vocalist.

What is the writing process like for the self-titled?
DEVIANT: Really smooth, the first 5 songs took around a week to write, It was basically just Nick and I bouncing ideas back and forth! We were just having fun and being the band we dreamt of playing in at the time.

The Self-Titled album has been out for a few months is it too early to ask when can we expect new music?
DEVIANT: Not too early at all! We’re working on a full-length now, expect a single off it next year!

I see you guys recently announced a tour to kick off the new year how excited are you guys?
DEVIANT: We’re all really exited! It’s going to be freezing cold though and some of our first times seeing snow. We’ve never done a tour this big, also headlining it so we’re all pumped!

What advice can you give new bands wanting to play shows?
DEVIANT: Take your time, focus on the music before shows!!

Chipotle or Moes?

Anything else you would like to say before we go?
DEVIANT: Thanks to everybody that supports our music, we’re so exited for what 2016 has in-store for Deviant!

All of DEVIANT’s social media:



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