F An Interview With Jay Of Triumph Over Shipwreck - SHDCVLT

An Interview With Jay Of Triumph Over Shipwreck

I conducted an interview with Joseph of Triumph Over Shipwreck here is what he has to say:
Can you introduce who you and the others are to the readers?
Triumph Over Shipwreck is:
Larry (vocals)
Jay (drums)
Urk (guitar)
Miguel (bass)

How and when did you guys become a band?
Been a band since June of 2007, got started after A Basement, A Noose, A Casket broke up.

How did you guys come up with your band name?
Basically just a play on words. We had a pretty bad break up with the other band. So over coming the bullshit.

Forever, Ending. Is a year old now where did the idea come from for the album?
We wrote about 7 tracks for a label and things didn’t pan out. We scrapped the songs and decided to just write honest music. Forever, Ending: we are basically always living in our last days.

When can we expect some new music from you guys?
We dropped three new tracks on Bandcamp a few months back.  The tracks are part of a split withTakanakuy from El Paso, Texas.
We are in the process of writing new music for the next album, should be rowdy!

What is your dream tour (any band) with you guys on the bill?
Currently: Triumph Over Shipwreck/ Nails/ Baptist/ Code Orange.
Back in the day: Ed Gein/ #12/ Danza/

What is the craziest tour story you have?
We played Denver once, went completely crazy. Like Dillinger/ Chariot crazy. The bar owner pulled a shotgun on us and had us pay about $200 for some roof tiles our singer broke hahah that shit was intense.

What are some tips for band wanting to tour?
  • Learn to hustle in your own town first
  •  Take it slow, support your scene and help it grow.
  • You’ll learn to work the crowds, and interact with crowds
  • Too many people just come out thinking they’re going to tour right away
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Anything else you want to tell the readers before we depart?
Hmmmm shit man! Just let everyone know to keep it real, be honest, and take care of each other

Make sure to check Out Triumph Over Shipwreck next time they come through your city. You can listen to their music here and like them on Facebook.



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