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An Interview With Saints Cant Lie

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I recently attended The Hoodang Festival in Austin, Texas after Saints Can Lie’s set I grabbed them, here is what they have to say.

Jake Shaw (Vocals)
Hunter Shaw ( Guitar/Piano)
Jonny Pickle  (Guitar)
Bryce Garland (Drums/Backing Vocals)
Blake Smith (Bass/Vocals)

Can you introduce you guys to the reader?
Bryce: My name is Bryce I play drums
Jake: Uh, I’m Jake and I scream
Blake: I’m Blake I play bass and vocals
Hunter: I’m Hunter I play guitar
Jonny: Jonny I play guitar

How and when did you guys become a band?
Jake: It will be three years in November.
All: Yeah!
Bryce: We just got tired of playing covers, let’s just get together and write our own stuff.

How did you guys come up with your band name?
Bryce: We actually put together a list of a bunch of bands names we came up with, and the list went around the school see what everybody liked. Then we picked our favorites from the ones that made the last few selections.
What was the writing process like for coming up with new music?
Bryce: It was really sloppy to begin with since then we started using Logic and programming it into the software it is a lot easier to write section by section making it more coherent. Before that we literately would go in a room and jammed until we found something we liked then we tried to solidify it, Eventually we got better and the later songs on the track you’ll be able to notice they are a lot more mature than the earlier stuff, it will all be on our debut album soon.

When can we expect new music from you guys?
Bryce: We should have a  single out by the end of September, a lyric video for our song “Drowning” we already recorded our music video, we recorded our live music video here at The Hoodang and the full album should be out by the end of 2015.
Jonny: Fruity Pebbles for life.

What bands growing up gave you inspiration to write music?
Hunter: I was into a lot of early metal like Van Halen and such but I am into more The Devil Wears Prada and Memphis May Fire totally stoked for today to get to see Memphis and play along side with them.
Bryce: I would have to say Avenged Sevenfold is my primary influence but also a lot of drumming from like Neil Peart uh Dream Theater as well just kind of a weird mix.
Jake: Growing up with Hunter being his brother, we kind of shared taste in music and then I started to get into the heavier scene. I started listening to Bullet for my Valentine, Killswitch Engage from there it sort of evolved to Memphis May Fire. Which beyond blessed to play with them today.
Jonny: I listen to mostly like Viking metal and Japanese Rock and August Burns Red.
Blake: Pretty much anything and everything as long as it has great singing in it, I am good.

What is your dream tour with you guys on the bill?
Bryce: Probably August Burns Red, Memphis May Fire, For Today and Fit for a King would be my ideal lineup.
All: I second that.
Jonny: Wintersun.

IPhone or Android?
Jake: Android!
Jake: I’m pretty sure I’m the only android…no my brother and I are
Hunter: Computer Apple. Phone android.
Bryce: It’s funny uh, I honestly like Iphones better for like group chatting, I think it’s better for the music business. But it depends. Android is better if you are more into more open software.
Bryce: Apple is where it’s at. Stupid Android.
Blake: Apple or Android I really don’t care.

Anything else you would like to tell the readers before we go?
Bryce: I would like to thank everybody that supported us along the way it’s almost been three years we are just now getting an album out. I know that is kinda crazy but, it took us a long time to get us through what we needed to get through and I think we are a stronger band now and it will reflect on our debut album. So I am excited about that.
Jake: I want to thank the fans from day one because back then we sucked.
All: Laugh
Jake: That’s not a lie and I want to thank everyone that has stuck with us since day one to help us grow to what we are now, and what we will be in the future.
Blake: Keep looking for the album and buy it!
Jonny: Wintersun
Bryce: One more thing, I would like to put a shoutout to our brother John McDonough he was our original rhythm guitarist and vocalist. He passed away in a wreck so we are dedicating this whole album to him.

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