F An Interview With Vantablack - SHDCVLT

An Interview With Vantablack

album cover

Vantablack is: Dustin Avery

Can you introduce yourself to the readers?
Hey, I’m Dustin, the idiot manning this project.

What made you want to start a solo project?
I’ve been bandless for a while now, but I’ve steadily kept writing. I sent a few riffs to a friend of mine, who brought up the idea of bringing it to the studio. I write it here in South Carolina, he records it up in Massachusetts.

What can we expect to hear from Vantablack?
Well, Vantablack is the name given to one of the darkest substances known by man, so dark the eyes can hardly percieve it. I wanted to write the musical equivalent of that in death metal form. Just an in your face, all consuming wall of noise with odd rhythms and riffs galore. Also, since the only thing I didn’t write was the vocals, there are three guest vocalists spread across four songs.

In the near future are you planning on having a full band?
Hopefully! I’m talking to some prospects now and I intend on moving to an area with a much more active music scene in these coming months. Nothing is confirmed right now but I’m definitely working on it.

Do you have a release date for the EP?
If all goes according to plan, late March is what I’m shooting for. You know how the recording process is though, but everything is on track as of right now.

What bands growing up gave you inspiration to write music?
The Fall Of Troy was definitely the band that got me into writing. I’ve veered off from that sort of music these past few years and leaned deep into the metal spectrum, so while you’re going to hear their influence (mostly in the odd timings) the biggest influences on this record would have to be bands like Meshuggah, Hate Eternal, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, and even bands like Nails.

What is your dream tour with you guys on the bill?
Oh god haha, see the above question. Probably Meshuggah, Hate Eternal, Rings of Saturn, and whatever band I could get together. Probably a couple of ambulances.

Who would win in a fight Megaman or Bomberman?
Yo DEFINITELY Megaman due to all the fuckin’ crazy powers. Bomberman has all the powers of a domestic terrorist.

Anything else you would like to tell the readers before we go?
For sure check out the work of the vocalists that have lent their hand in the recording process. Matt Magnell of From The Makers Of (who is actually the hands in the studio for this, and it was his idea to bring it there) , Tom Cifello of Bottomfed, and Isaiah Hoffinger, (this being his active project, ex-Krokodil). Also, the label it’s being put out on (Super Moon Records) and the bands on it as well.https://www.facebook.com/FTMODGAF/?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/BottomfedMA/?fref=tshttps://www.facebook.com/supermoonhxc/?fref=ts  https://www.facebook.com/KrokodilRI/?fref=ts
Make sure to give Vantablack a huge like, music coming soon!



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