I recently grabbed Ethan Houston from doing drummer things, and things of that sort to do this interview. Here is what he has to say.
Athanatos is:
Juan Garcia- Vocals
Johnny “Red Headed Fuck” Dirickson- Lead/ Rhythm Guitar
Jake Scott- Lead/ Rhythm Guitar
Nathan Luna-Lead bass
Ethan Houston- Drums
Can you introduce who you guys are to readers?
We are Athanatos, a technical death metal band from New Braunfels, TX. Merging progressive and tech elements to sculpt our own sound.

How and when did you guys become a band?
In late 2013 our drummer, our bassist and that red headed fuck Johnny were in a band previously that fell through and then Johnny invited them to try out for his new project. Vocalist Juan was already in the band and after a good year we added Jake to the roster.

How did you guys come up with your band name?
Johnny and Juan were looking up different words in other languages and Juan came about the word Athanatos which means Immortal in Greek. We thought that shit sounded tighter than Jarrod’s pants before he started eating Subway

When can we expect some new music from you guys?
We are actually wrapping the recording of our new song “Mechanized” which we intend to release this coming month! It will also be the debut track from our upcoming full length “Obsolescence Existence”.

What advice do you have for new bands wanting to start playing shows?
Practice before you play. If you don’t have a solid sound playing shows is pointless. Also be supportive of your scene because everyone should be working together. Don’t be afraid to take risks.

Do you have an idea when you will hit the road?
We are hoping to book a small Texas run in December but if not then, then we will have to wait until April. But we do have some upcoming local shows so keep your eyes peeled like peaches.

What is your dream tour with you guys on the bill?
The Black Dahlia Murder, Abitoic, Fallujah, Applaud the Impaler, I Shall Devour oh and us.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch or French Toast Crunch?
Ctcrunch or die motha fucka.

Anything else you would like to tell the readers before we go?
Thanks to those who have checked us out and supported us along the way! We can’t wait for everyone to hear how hard we have been working and expect big things from us in the future! Also thanks to Corey for this kickass interview.

Make sure to give Athanatos a like here
Check out their Bandcamp



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