WRVTH (formally known as Wrath of Vesuvius) is a five piece technical death metal band Hailing from Manteca, California, Started in 2007 they have been on numerous tours, I recently grabbed the guys in Houston when they were touring with Lord of War here is what they have to say.

Marcus (Guitar)
Jeremy (Guitar)
Thomas (Vocals)
Joseph (Drums)
Taylor (Bass)

Can you introduce you guys to the readers?
Thomas: Our name is WRVTH, and we are from Manteca, CA. We have five members- Marcus and Jeremy on guitar, Taylor on bass and backup vocals, Joseph on drums, and I handle vocal duties.

How and when did you guys become a band?
Marcus: We originated in Ceres CA where a few of us actually played football together when we were younger. We went under a few different aliases until we came up with “Wrath of Vesuvius” in about 2007.

Why did you guys change your name?
Marcus: We wanted to signify a sense of departure, not only from the name, but also our sound. We tossed a few different ideas around with the intent of changing the name completely, but compromised with WRVTH to signify that we’re still the same band.

Taylor: The timing was just perfect for the name change too. We were still in the very early stages of our writing process for our newest record when Thomas, our vocalist, joined the band. We wanted to do something new, and that demanded a different kind of vocal delivery, which is exactly what he brought to the table. At that time, we were branching out from what we used to be, and Thomas definitely helped us channel the sound we were going for. Plus, the frontman is somewhat of a figurehead for the band, and if you’ve seen Thomas perform live, you’d realize “WRVTH” is pretty spot on with what his stage presence is all about.

My favorite song off the album is Forlorn how did that song become a song?
Marcus: That song actually was one of the first in this writing process both musically and lyrically. Even from the first stages we knew what we wanted to do with that song and what we wanted to convey. It kind of plays on the perspective of being at your absolute lowest or as if you are homeless and no one wants anything to do with you, thus the title “Forlorn.”

The self-titled has been out for a few  months what was the writing process like?
Marcus: It was really unique compared to previous records. We paid a lot of attention to detail and the overall dynamic of everything. Opposed to previous efforts, we had a precise vision for this record and got a chance to elaborate on it. We spent so much time revising and reshaping until we finely molded it to our liking. Preproduction really helped with that aspect.
Taylor: I think it’s worth mentioning that we all had our own input in all aspects of the record as well. For example, say maybe Thomas has a drum part idea, Jeremy or Joseph having a bass line idea, or Marcus and I having lyrical ideas and we take everything we suggest into consideration. We all worked on the album with a collective mindset. No one just handled their own respective parts and called it a day, and I think that’s why this record is so personal to us, musically and lyrically.

Is it too early to ask when can we expect new music from you guys?
Marcus: No definite answer to that one, but we’re already working on new material to say the least.

What bands growing up inspired you to write music?
Thomas: It’s hard to just say a few bands or artists because there’s so many that paved the way for us. All of us were raised on pretty diverse music backgrounds. Everything from funk to hip hop to classic rock and even to even pop.

What is your favorite thing to do off tour?
Marcus: Probably concert going. Whether it be local artists or touring acts, going to shows is what we mainly look forward to.

Is it tough being in a touring band?
Marcus: I mean the experience itself is rewarding enough, but home life is what suffers the most. Struggling to catch up financially when we get back from a tour is tough sometimes. Even relationships are strained through the process. Being away from your loved ones for a long period of time isn’t easy. It hasn’t happened to any of us yet but getting severely injured or losing family members while out there I’m sure is really hard. But despite all of that, we do it because we love it more than anything.

What was the unhealthiest thing you’ve eaten on the road?
Marcus: We can’t even keep track of that because it’s so hard to not eat unhealthy. The most convenient/cheapest thing is fast food junk. Some of us will try to make conscious decisions to get a salad or fruit but eventually we’ll cave and go all out on fast food.

Who would win in a fight Diddy Kong or Yoshi?
Thomas: I think I can speak for everyone, Yoshi without a doubt. Diddy Kong is a lil bitch.

Anything else you would like to tell the readers before we go?
Thomas: First of all, we would like to say thank you to all the people that have supported us in any way. From a simple share on social media, coming out to a show, or purchasing the new record, we are very grateful for any support, and it allows us to continue doing what we love to do. Thank you so much!
Taylor- Also, we’ll be doing a week run with Arkaik in December so come out to a show and hang out with us!

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