F O ETERNO AGORA, full-length release by: Living Fire. - SHDCVLT

O ETERNO AGORA, full-length release by: Living Fire.

Official Press Release;

March 29, 2016.  Santa Cruz, California, and Sao Paolo, Brazil.  Thumper Punk Records is pleased to announce the release of O ETERNO AGORA, the free full-length release from Brazil’s street punk preachers Living Fire.  Following their English language albums JESUS RULES and DEAD TO SIN, Living Fire releases their first album in their native Portuguese. Both soul-uplifting and bone-crushing, Living Fire seeks to transmit God’s word to places where it would not be received through conventional means.  

Living Fire features Luis Carlos (Vocals), Raphael Alcantara (Bass), Michel Oliveira (Drums), Murillo Xavier (Guitar), and Wesley Farina (Guitar).  O ETERNO AGORA is available for free download from Thumper Punk Records (https://thumperpunkrecords.bandcamp.com/album/o-eterno-agora). For booking, promo requests, or to set up an interview, please contact Luis Carlos at “contato@livingfire.com.br”, or visit https://www.facebook.com/livingfireband.



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