F Bury The Rod - SHDCVLT

Bury The Rod

Illumignarly Apparel Kick Starter Event @ The Music Ranch Austin, Tx

Bury The Rod is an epic progressive slam band from Austin Tx. This is a new band, and though they do not have a drummer, they did not let it slow them down. Armed with a mac and programmed drums, these guys still kill it at shows. They engage the crowd and have turned shows into parties. I can not wait for these guys to find the rest of their members. Their front man CJ is the vocalist from Swine Horde, another local atx band i followed a few years back before they broke up. 
Brandon Diering hails from New Jersey, and Nick Kefalas moved here from California to be apart of Austins quickly growing metal scene. So you can see that they are a new band with a purpose, So show them some support and be a part of their humble beginnings. Im super stoked about this band. Hit them up if your an ambitious drummer or bassist.
These guys are going to dominate.

I will be interviewing BTR Guitarist Nik Kefalas who is also one of shdcvlt's authors for more information 
on how they came together so stay tuned.

Check them out on Facebook



Brett Curtis said...

This band really did not let not having a drummer stop them! :)

Frank Rentals said...

Did this band ever come together with a full line up?

Brett Curtis said...

Yes they did. I believe they have moved on to their second drummer now.

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