Can you introduce the readers who you and the other dudes are in the band?
My name is Tyler Merendino, I write the music and will be playing guitar for our next album.
Ben Duerr is our vocalist,
Jake Marxen is our lead guitarist and our bassist is Matt Snyder!!
Currently searching for a drummer
How did you come up with the name Despondent?
No specific reason. I thought it sounded pretty cool and it wasn’t a NOUN THE VERB name. I googled it and couldn’t find any other bands with that same name. Unfortunately, I found out about a punk band from the UK with the same name right after we got our logo made. Oh well. I thought that the word “despondent” fit the underlining message of our lyrics :DD

How and when did you guys become a band?
I started writing music for what would eventually become our first EP “The Gallows” in Spring of 2014.
I didn’t officially announce Despondent until late summer of that same year.
Originally, I was the only member. Jake Marxen and I are best friends and he always gave me pointers when it came to writing.
Eventually, we started writing songs together and one thing led to another. Ben Duerr was originally only going to do vocals on
Immaculate Desolation” but I enjoyed his performance so much that he is now our full time vocalist. Matt Snyder is the best bass player
I know and I have looked up to him as a fellow musician since I was a kid, he was the obvious choice for us.

Awakening the Elder Gods is pretty damn good, where did the theme of the EP come from?
I’ve been very interested in the stories of H.P. Lovecraft for quite some time now. I did NOT want Despondent to become “just another deathcore band” with generic lyrics. I noticed that at the time, there were a very small amount of Lovecraft inspired bands in this particular genre. I thought it would be the perfect match for the music that I wanted to write.

Have you guys played any shows If not when can we expect to see you guys on stage?
No we have not. Until a couple months ago, I was the only member in the band so shows were not possible. We do however, plan to tour the United States in the next year or two. Keep your eyes peeled for that.

When can we expect new music from you guys or is it top secret right now?
Right now we are currently working on our full length album, which is expected Summer/Fall 2016. We MAY or MAY NOT be releasing a split album with a really cool band (hint-international) in the spring of 2016, but nothing is confirmed.

Dream tour with you guys on the bill?
Rings of Saturn, Reflections, Aversions Crown, and Despondent. I would shit bricks. Would also LOVE to play a show with Yüth Forever

Fallout or Elder Scrolls?
Fallout all day

Anything else you want to tell the readers before this interview comes to an end?
Thank you to anyone who has supported us in any way. We have a lot of cool things in the works for you guys and I can’t wait to unveil it all. Expect tons of new merch and tunes within the next few months. Cheers, and remember to eat your veggies.

Check out Despondent on:



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